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What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic Acid is a polysaccharide produced by the fibroblasts of the skin. It is a substance that is naturally reproduced in our body, aiming to hydrate, lubricate, and protect tissues.

What role does Hyaluronic Acid play in our body?

Hyaluronic Acid is considered the strongest 'natural moisturizing factor' and is the substance that retains water in the body and lubricates moving parts of the organism such as muscles, joints, and heart valves. The problem is that as we age, the production of Hyaluronic Acid in our body decreases while its breakdown increases, resulting in dehydration and aging of the skin, joints, and other tissues. The decrease in Hyaluronic Acid production in the skin and body begins at the age of 18-20 years, but after 40 the decline becomes evident. The skin becomes thinner, the volume of the lips decreases, wrinkles appear on the face, hollows around the eyes and cheeks, and skin elasticity is reduced.

What are the main properties of Hyaluronic Acid that affect the Skin?

Binds large amounts of moisture and keeps the skin hydrated
Maintains the shape, firmness, and elasticity of the skin
Helps in the formation of new skin cells and replacement of damaged ones
Contributes to the production of collagen and other substances that help maintain skin structure
With its antioxidant properties, it protects cells from free radicals and solar radiation
Enhances the healing and regenerative capacity of the skin
Has anti-inflammatory action
Hyaluronic Acid is used in almost all anti-aging protocols. Injuv® dietary supplements, thanks to their low molecular weight, are the evolution in the use of Hyaluronic Acid with rapid absorbability and quick results.
Hyaluronic Acid improves skin plasticity, elasticity, and tone, achieving deep hydration at the same time. Injuv®– Natures-Lift™ has clinically proven action:
In reducing wrinkles and fine lines
In maintaining hydration and elasticity
In correcting facial contours
In minimizing discolorations, freckles, and spots
In improving acne and the damages it causes
In restoring the texture and glow of the epidermis
In restoring the quality of joint fluid and joints
Where is Hyaluronic Acid found in our body?
About half of the body's Hyaluronic Acid is in the skin, where it retains moisture, keeping it elastic and youthful. Significant amounts are also found in joint fluid, acting as a lubricant for joints, in heart valves, in the vitreous body of the eye, in the connective tissue of vessels and gums, in nerve cells, in the umbilical cord, as a protective covering in the ovaries, in sperm, and elsewhere.

Lubricates and protects joints and muscles, preventing wear and aging
Reduces friction and improves joint mobility
Protects cartilage
Ensures the maintenance of joint structure
Has anti-inflammatory properties
Aids in healing and in preventing scar formation
Helps eyes remain clear, moist, and healthy
Hydrates the skin, increasing its elasticity and resilience
Prevents wrinkles